Thursday, October 24, 2013

Hazrat Syed Shah Rushaid Ali Al-Qadri

The holy Shrine Mazaar sharif of Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Rushaid Ali Al Qadri(r.a.) in Midnapore known as Rauza-e-Aqdas....
The 12th May 1924 marked the birth of an uplifterof humanity......a messiah....a soothsayer and the temporal head of the sufi saints of his time .At the time of his birth instead of crying as babies do he uttered repeatedly "Allah" "Allah".It was a clear indication that the new born was destined to be the quintessence of spiritual eminence and was to save swarms of erring humanity from damnation .Apprised of this miracle  his holy father Syedana Hazrat Irshad Ali Al Qadri (r.a.)took the baby on his lap and remarked ,"Son of a fakir,he is himself a fakir and the best amongst my progeny".
       Put on the path of asceticism and self-mortification the child who was to uphold the banner of the Qadri Order in due course, rose to great spiritual heights.The spiritual influence of his august father and the inherent excellencies of the family distinguished him from others.
      His features were similar to those of his holy grandfather ,Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Murshed Ali Al Qadri(a.s.).His life was resplendent with his profound generosity and humility.He would often indulge in hidden charity,in truth many a family lived only through him,his  generous gifts of cash and kind.
      From early childhood he would shun games and devote most of his time to his lessons and the service of his parents.The lessons which he memorised in a day took others weeks to memorise. His love and respect for parents was proverbial.It has apparently become a byword of his disciples.Touching his mother's feet with his eyes was a cherished habit he never neglected this token of devotion after her demise he was in deep anguish and sorrow.
An unassailable authority on Hadith,Tafseer and Fikah,he would solve problems having wheels within wheels in a jiffy.He would take things easy and would effect compromises between warring person in a trice.Exceedingly intelligent and retentive,he gained command over the Arabic philology and etymology.He did master Persian and Urdu.He authored numerous poems in Urdu and Persian in which he excelled.The charm of cadence, the style and eloquence betray the class.Most of his fine Odes and hymns which he composed in his teens have met with the commendation of a coterie of highly reputed poets.His articles have appeared in different Urdu and Arabic magazines.
    It would form an excrescence on this beautiful treatise of the late Justice, were I to touch the barbarities unleashed by his close relations on him.Hence I would prefer shirking the onus for the present.The dome of his mausoleum which stands a little away from his ancestral burial ground however smacks of the injustice done to was the case with Hazrat Imam Hasan(a.s.) the enemies of his holiness toeing the footprints of Muaviyah and Merwan stopped his burial in the family burial ground. Miracles were there plenty performed in his life but these always done with the intention of alleviating distress ; never with the slightest intention of acquiring fame.Not only in his life time but even after his wesaal sharif (demise) people have benefited  by him. Syedena Hazrat Rushaid Ali   (r.a.) possessed a very pleasant demeanour and an extreamly peace loving disposition.His manner of speech was so pleasing that when he would talk it seemed as if peals fell from his mouth.A word of solace from him brought about a haven of refuge to the afflicted and his healing touch would do away  with distress.People who left no stone unturned in their endeavours to harm him,turned to him at the fag end of their lives pleading for mercy.He not only pardoned them in such a manner that they would be rendered ashamed at the treatment meted out to them.His watchword being 'forgive and forget', he urged people to pardon excesses of others.His demeanor has left an indelible imprint on the minds of his disciples and devotees.

Inside view of Rauza-e-Aqdas 
    He intensely disliked self-praise and would admonish people who tried to sing his praises.If the miracles performed by him were ever attributed to him, he would ascribe them to his illustrious ancestors.He would often be heard saying :"It was not due to me but it was due to the spiritual powers of my august father".Many a times his feats of supernatural phenomena were felt by people but they were ordered not to speak about it.Walis do not want popularity and keep away from pomp and splendour and all sorts of ostentations.
   His holiness Hazrat Syedena Syed Shah Rushaid Ali Al-Qadri (a.s.) passed away on the 16th of December 1975 A.D. ,Zillhaj 121395 A.H.,Aggrahayan 28,1382 at about 12.......19 a.m. leaving behind kindred,disciples, devotees, admirers and votaries in an agonised lament.He was succeeded by six sons   Hazrat Syed Shah Marshad Ali Al Qadri (r.a.),   Hazrat Syed Shah Marashid Ali Al Qadri(r.a.) , Hazrat Syed Shah Morashshid Ali Al Qadri,Hazrat Syed Shah Tarsheed Ali Al Qadri, Hazrat Syed Shah Marshood Ali Al Qadri ,Hazrat Syed Shah Rashadat Ali Al Qadri and five daughters.I would like to like to conclude this with the following couplet of Hazrat Hafiz (r.a.)
         Bar zaminay kay neshaney kafay payay tu buwad,
         Salha sajda-e-sahebnazaran khahad bood.
Translation-: For years it would be a place of obeisance for seers,that is, the ground which will bear the trace of thy footprint......
Road in mangalkote named after Hazrat Syed Rushaid Ali Al Qadri(r.a.)
 GULISTAN-E-QADERI-By Justice Syed Mehboob Murshed
TAZKIRATUL MOWLA,2nd volume page 14.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Syedena Hazrat Ghaus-E-Sani

 Amongst the descendants of his holiness  Syedena Hazrat Abdur  Razzak(a.s.) many were great Walis.One of those descendants was an eminent Wali, Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Qadri(a.s.) also known as Ghaus-E-Sani proceeded to Bengal in 1180 hijri on account of the instructions he had received in spiritual plane from his great ancestor  Syedana  Hazrat Ghaus ul Azam (a.s.) it is said that he resembled Huzur Ghaus-ul-Azam in every way and was called the Second Ghaus-ul-Azam .He was asked to propagate and propound this Qadri  Order in Bengal. when  Syedana  Hazrat  Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Qadri(a.s.) reached Bengal he settled in Mangalkote then a very flourishing village in the district of Burdwan. The saint was accompanied by his revered  father his holiness Syedena Hazrat Shykh Abdul Qadir Abdllah-Al-Jili (a.s.),three brothers of Hazrat Ghaus-E-Sani namely Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Hussain Al Qadri(a.s.), Syedena Hazrat Syed  Shah Raushan Ali Al-Qadri(a.s.) Syedena  Hazrat Syed Shah Rajab Ali Al Qadri(a.s.),and Syedena Hazrat  Syed Shah Raushan Ali's son Syedana Hazrat Tofail Ali Al Qadri(a.s.) and some ladies of the family accompanied the party to Bengal.Soon after Hazrat Ghaus  E Sani settled in Mangalkote ,his father Syedena Hazrat Abdullah Al-Jili returned to Baghdad along with his two sons  Syedena Hazrat Ghulam Hussain and Syedena Hazrat Rajab Ali and with the ladies of the holy family.Syedena Hazrat Raushan Ali  also left his son,Syedena Tufail Ali with his brother Hazrat Syedena Zakir Ali and proceeded to Purnia in Bihar and Syedena Hazrat Zakir Ali Al Qadri remained with his nephew and son in law  Hazrat Syedena Syed Tufail Ali Al Qadri in  Bengal.

         Hazrat Ghaus-e-Sani started his career of usefulness to humanity and became the up lifter of the people around him.People from all over gathered near him and he gave life and meaning to their faith.The personal examples he set before them worked wonders in his work of regeneration. Impressed with the spiritual powers of the Hazrat his exemplary life and his wise counsels most of the learned men of that time became his Murids .He was also endowed with supernatural powers like his ancestors and he also worked many miracles which led to the relief of suffering humanity and guidance of mankind.

     Like our holy Prophet(p.b.u.h.) who had build a thatched mosque in Medina Hazrat Ghaus-e-Sani also build in Mangalkote a simple khanqah of mud the age of 81 ,Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Qadri(a.s.) passed away into the regions of immortality in the year 1192 hijri. He was born in 1111 hijri. his Mazaar Sharif(holy tomb) is a simple pucca structure in the open air under a tree. Grace flows from it abundantly . Up to this day many Muslims and non-Muslims visit the Mazar Sharif with the objective of receiving grace.His holiness  Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Qadri(a.s.) is commonly known as "Shahensha-e-Mangalkote" or the King of Mangalkote  since he rules over the hearts of people . And his annual Urs Sharif is celebrated in a magnificient way and people from all over come to Mangalkote to attend this auspicious occasion and this year the 243rd Urs sharif of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Sani was celebrated in Mangalkote.

REFRENCE-GULISTAN-E-QADERI--By Justice Syed Mahboob Murshed.
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